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I Know What I Saw by Imran Mahmood - book review
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I Know What I Saw by Imran Mahmood – Book Review


What an atmospheric and clever story! I couldn’t help but keep turning pages until I finished the book!


I’ll be honest; I had never heard of the author before this – I was fortunate enough to get an advance copy and extremely pleased I did. Imran is clearly a brilliant writer who knows exactly how to tell a story!


I Know What I Saw is written from the perspective of the protagonist, Xander Shute, a homeless man who believes he witnessed a murder. He is soon accused of wasting police time, and then things get much worse. With tenacious yet compassionate detectives on his case about the murder, he must search his congested and confused mind to unearth the truth.


I found myself getting very drawn into the plot and found Xander to be incredibly compelling. The book provides a great insight into living rough on the cold and dingy streets of London. The atmosphere feels so real that I could literally feel the cold. And I truly wasn’t expecting it to end the way it did.


The story was incredibly descriptive, especially in judicial processes, and this is no surprise as the author is a qualified barrister. He did this stylishly and tastefully, and I fell for every word.


I genuinely haven’t got a bad thing to say about this book. I absolutely loved it!


If you want a well-paced, mesmerising escape for a few hours, then I highly recommend reading this unforgettable page-turner. The official release of this book is in July 2021.

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