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5 Pro Tips on Crafting a Unique Novel

By 23/08/2023No Comments
"Crafting Stories Beyond the Ordinary: Dive into Unique Novel-Writing Techniques."
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Creating a novel is much like crafting a piece of art. It involves dedication, passion, and the continuous process of refining and reshaping. While there is no one-size-fits-all formula, there are guidelines that can elevate your story. Let’s delve into five unique pro tips that can help you weave a compelling tapestry for your readers.

  1. Embrace the Mundane with a Twist:
    • Often, the ordinary can be the most extraordinary if seen from a fresh perspective. Think about J.K. Rowling, who took a train journey and turned it into the magical Hogwarts Express. Rather than always seeking grand, dramatic backdrops, look around your daily life. A regular cafe, an old bookstore, or even a laundromat can serve as intriguing settings or spark unique storylines. The key is to add a twist that offers a new lens to look through.
  2. Use an “Emotion Wheel”:
    • Most writers are familiar with character sketches and storyboarding, but what about detailing out emotions? Create an emotion wheel for your main characters, segmenting the wheel into various feelings they might experience. Dive deep, and instead of just “happy” or “sad,” think about “elated,” “melancholic,” “bitter,” or “bewildered.” This exercise will help you depict emotions in rich, nuanced ways, making characters more relatable and multi-dimensional.
  3. Experiment with Structure:
    • Linear storytelling is but one way to unfold a tale. Consider playing with fragmented timelines, multiple perspectives, or even interspersing prose with diary entries, letters, or newspaper clippings. Novels like “Cloud Atlas” by David Mitchell or “House of Leaves” by Mark Z. Danielewski use unconventional structures to create a layered reading experience. Just ensure the structure serves the story, and doesn’t merely act as a gimmick.
  4. Indulge in Sensory Overload:
    • While most writers vividly describe what characters see, the other senses often take a backseat. Enhance immersion by diving deep into sounds, scents, tactile sensations, and tastes. Does the air smell like rain, or is it more like the metallic tang of impending snow? Do the streets echo with the distant rumble of thunder, or the muffled hum of city life? Paint a richer picture by engaging all of the readers’ senses.
  5. Seek Feedback from an Unfamiliar Eye:
    • It’s common to get feedback from beta readers or writer groups familiar with your genre. But what about a person who reads primarily crime thrillers critiquing your romance novel? Or a sci-fi enthusiast delving into your historical fiction? These readers will offer fresh insights, pinpointing what universally works or doesn’t in your story. Sometimes, the most valuable feedback comes from those who aren’t steeped in your genre’s conventions.

In the end, crafting a novel is a labor of love and persistence. By stepping outside of the usual guidelines and embracing these unique tips, you can infuse your narrative with a distinct flavor that sets it apart. Remember, the most memorable novels are those that dare to be different. Happy writing!

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